4.2 The Art of Taking a Throat Punch

The Art of Taking a Throat Punch

  1. Failure comes natural to us and that’s a good thing.  Without failure there cannot be a success.
  2. Failure protects us from pride and arrogance, builds our character, tests our faith, exposes our fear, teaches us patience, advances our wisdom, strengthens our strategy, exposes our weaknesses - it’s life’s best teacher!  It’s lessons are painful but the absence of failures would be far more damaging.  
  3. Failure reminds us that success in life is less about what we are doing and more about who we are becoming.
  4. Failure is an event, not a medical condition. 

  1. What have you learned from some of your past failures and how have they made you stronger?
  2. Looking at your purpose statement and strategic goals, talk about some of the biggest fears you have around them.

What do you do when life punches you in the throat?

Comment your best ideas below!

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