If you have made it this far you have taken your first, and arguably hardest, step into purpose!

We will deep dive into your unique design over the next few videos but let me set the stage. Out of the 7.1 billion people living on the planet today there is not one just like you. Not only are you biologically unique, but you are also shaped by life experiences, relationships and countless other factors. Throughout the course we will view each of these factors as puzzle pieces as we begin to put together who you are; and like a puzzle will give you the strategy to see this whole thing come together.

Because here are a few things we know:

  1. A unique design reveals a unique purpose.
  2. Things this intricate and unique carry great value!
  3. The process can be challenging at times, but it is so worth it.
  4. We are here for you every step of the way!

Let's get started!

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